Swift Hour by Megan Sexton
I heard Megan read from Swift Hour this week and read her book the next day. She has a strong voice. These are poems of people and life, but Megan knows what is important and interesting. She cuts to the center of the subject. Her language is direct and beautiful. Her subject matter is real, but her descriptions are magic. Buy here.
From "The Folklore of Waitresses"
When the people ate, / they felt fuller than they had ever felt. / Their lives felt full then, / as if they would rise out of their bodies / and see themselves sitting there / with nothing to do. When she left them, / the birds broke into little flowers on the trees.
From "Visitation"
Across the neighborhood the howls and cries / of dogs slip into the houses with children / coming home late for dinner.
From "Feeding the Shadow"
Shadow, eat, / says the child / running to the dark figure / stretched before her, / tossing it a piece / of chicken meat, / dancing with it.