Radio Crackling, Radio Gone by Lisa Olstein
Winner of the Hayden Carruth Award for New and Emerging Poets from Copper Canyon Press, 2006. One of the best books I've read this year. I plan to get more from this author. Buy here
From "Blue Warp Black Weave"
It happened because somewhere a wind died down. / I stopped loving you when a pebble hit the windshield. / A moth at the window is a symbol.
From "The Poet's Youth Was Almost Impossibly Glamorous and Romantic"
Our sheets were gathered at the corners. / It wasn't necessary, it was what we liked. / If the house burned down we built it up again, exactly as before.
From "Negotiation"
You take my fear of long journeys, of talking in my sleep. / I'll take sleep and the first morning sounds // of the monastery on the hill. You take the monks . . .